Sunday, November 11, 2007

Absolutely Ma-jiong

10 Nov. 2007

After a beautiful "Papi-Seghizzi Cheese fondue" dinner ( plus Sahimi& sake as an appetizer), we rushed home for receiving our guest/friends, of curse, for some quick cleaning/tidy up of the house too!!

As the dining table was in the middle of the chaos by my 'recycling work" - I was trying to dissolve my bridal bouquet which was half dried/rotten and abandoned on the balcony since the day after my wedding!

(Plants and home-decos are always lovely, but expensive to buy in this country, therefore I thought I may took down the sliver wires, pearls & ribbons for "future use", if I may, maybe can use it in the future! )

So. I was with my work and guys were surrounding in front of our flat screen. 3 single guys on the stools and the married guy on the big couch. It looks a bit funny from my sight. They could speak in German or discuss whatever men's topics…I didn't mind if were totally "not presence", or been left out!! I let the boys enjoy their night and I do what a house wife had to do. So I went down to do the laundry!!

Just not long after I came back from downstairs, noise busted out soon as I opened the living room door! I smiled and seen 4 guys were already by the table and shuffling Majiang tiles!!

I was surprised again by Gianni, which he seem to explain the game very well in his language. Yet before the first performance round ended, all the guys were soon in the position for the battle.

I have never been an "advance gamer", not to mention I was never really good in any games. I played few times of Ma Jiang, but not well tought enough to learn how to deal yet. Gianni is far advance in minding games; after all, was him who insisted to bring the set (heavy like hell) back from Taiwan!

So this is our 1st Ma Jiang match in Switzerland!!
Pretty cool, I have to say!!

Gianni still keeps this piece paper which ripped off from the calendar on the wall of Grandpa's house, on it written the Chinese-character-suit tiles 1 to 9 thousands in number-forms from last Chinese New Year.

Sfr2 for each lose.

Gianni was on his own. And, I thought I'd help those new players by putting the suits in the correct orders! I walked at the back of Gregi, Stefan and Tommy and noticing after rounds, they were all pretty into the battles.

Although we try to avoid late nights as we learned from previous "Poker Night" , still, fevers were there and only called to stop around 3am.

Only a short night before Gianni had to go to training t by 11am and I planed to join.

The end result was: Gianni won ten bucks, and Thomas the same donated the most!

Is definitely not the beginners luck anymore to Gianni, been told:

1. Beginner wins
2. Pregnant wins
3 New wedded winds
4. 3 females against 1 male, the male looses
5. or current happiness around in household and personal issues wins

Majion-ing? Absolutely!!!!

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