Wednesday, June 09, 2004

A good hair clip

I checked those stands around Teach Building Station on my way home, was wishing some might sell the kind of hair clip on their stands. But no luck!
I checked all sorts of hair clips on the stands; none of one seems good to me…
“Not easy to find a good hair clip again” I think.
Was it like….. hard to find a good boyfriend which suits me…
One day you had one and u lost it by carelessly. And what was I thinking?
Trying to find the same boyfriend back? Hell, no!!
Then what was I doing? Try to find the same hair clip back? Yes…
I though hair clip is a different thing. Although it dears to me the same!


Anonymous said...

agree, they are different. I wonder how many women in the world could get orgasm with hair clip.

Anonymous said...

Really Maurice...

I wonder how many women in the world could get real deep orgasm with their boyfriend :-)

Better buy hairclip, easy to choose easy to guess wich one will do.
